Bottled Water Business Plan

Bottled Water Business Plan

Bottled Water Business Plan

Bottled Water Business Plan - Bottled Water Business Guide

Bottled Water Business Plan Introduction

This Bottled Water Business Plan focuses on the business of packaging water in bottle for sale to different kinds of consumers.
In Kenya bottling water became a business of interest in the early 2000s. The Bottled Water Business is driven by:

  • Health Concerns – More consumers mistrust tap water and go the extra mile to access
    clean drinking water. In urban areas where there are water shortages and residents have
    to resort to purchasing from Bottled Water Business , bottled treated water becomes a leading source of drinking
    water, while the purchased water is used for other household chores.
    Consumers are also becoming more health conscious from reading and listening to
    material appearing in different media. For instance a lot has been written about the health
    benefits of drinking a certain amount of water everyday in regard to the skin and aging.
  • Convenience to do with ease of carrying and accessing clean water when on the move
    and away from home.
  • Lifestyle Changes through exposure, education and increasing income made carrying
    and drinking water on the move a mark of prestige.

That is no longer the case as it was say 6 years ago. Bottled water is increasingly becoming a mass product. Aspirational consumers who still want to use to signify class differentiate by going for drinks of brands considered prestigious, which in most cases  than not are the pioneers and more established Bottled Water Business brands.

Related to lifestyle is the consumer who doesn’t want to take pure water, either flavoured or plain. For instance in areas where tap water is ‘salty’ or ‘tastes funny’ . In such cases consumers who can afford will go for Bottled Water Business brands.

Value of Water Bottled Water Business 

The exact value of the Bottled Water Business is not exactly known. The often quoted figure is Kshs. 12 billion. But from government statistics this is more like the value of the soft drink industry. Water contributes about 15% of the soft drink industry and thus the value of the bottled segment is in excess of Kshs.2 billion.

In terms of volume , bottled water contributes 500 million liters , about 0.7 % of the total commercial value water consumed in Kenya. Government data indicates the Bottled Water Business brands has been growing at an annual average rate of 12%, a rate that is expected to continue as demand increases
and more entrepreneurs join the Bottled Water Business .

Download Bottled Water Business Plan / guide here