Chemist Retail Business Plan

Chemist Retail Business Plan

Chemist Retail Business Plan

Chemist Retail Business Plan - Chemist Retail Business guide

Chemist Retail Business Plan Overview

This is a Chemist Retail Business Plan to the standard Chemist Retail business.

Even before we go into the actual figures, a casual look will show that in the last ten years the number of Chemist Retail Businesses have increased both in the rural and urban areas. In the last three years Chemists Retail Business, it seems, are almost becoming like normal grocery shops in terms of being at every corner of the neighborhood.

The growth can not exactly be tied to increased demand for medicine, but more to an entrepreneur spirit. Among the reasons for the explosion is one there are now more casual conversations about how enticing the margins in the pharmaceutical industry are. This has attracted more people to the Chemists Retail Business.

Secondly is that entrepreneurs have become crafty and found ways to go round the major barrier that previously prevented many from getting into the Chemist Retail Business: professional qualifications and certifications. It used to be, and is still by law that for one to start a chemist  retail they need to be registered with the Pharmacy and Poisons Board. This as we will see below is no longer a barrier per se. Related to this is the growth of colleges and universities in the last 13 years which have churned out more professionals in the ‘health industry’, not necessarily pharmacy. This has resulted in an increased pull of knowledge, more professionals seeking jobs and opportunities and eventually more Chemist Retail Business.

Despite all the talk about how attractive the margins in the Chemist Retail business are, the boom, if you look in the daily newspapers and online classifieds you will find a relatively high number of chemists retail business for sale. In the Daily Nation for instance there is an average of two chemists retail business up for sale every week. Sometimes, as high as five. This means just like any other business margins are not everything; you can still fail because of a variety of reasons which will gradually become clear as you read this Chemist Retail Business Plan .

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