Pork Butchery & Eatery Business Plan

Pork Butchery & Eatery Business Plan

Pork Butchery & Eatery Business Plan

Pork Butchery & Eatery Business Plan - Pork Butchery & Eatery Business Guide

Pork Butchery & Eatery Business Plan Overview

This Pork Butchery & Eatery Business Plan focuses on specialty small and medium sized pork butcheries and eateries which have pork as the core meal. The butchery and hotel can be each on their own or combined and operating under one roof.

The Pork Butchery & Eatery Business Plan excludes hotels and butcheries which serve tens of other dishes and include pork as one of the general items in the menu.

In the last seven years the number of farmers rearing pigs for income has increased. Though pig farmers are spread all over the country , the growth is more in parts of Central Kenya like Kiambu and Embu, peri urban areas of Nairobi like Ruai, parts of Rift Valley and Western provinces.

The increase in number of pigs has also led to the creation of more marketing avenues. Farmer’s Choice remains the largest single corporate buyer, the other part of the market, the informal one, is controlled by hundreds of brokers. It’s the brokers and farmers who have accelerated the growth of pork butcheries and eateries which alternative marketing channels.

Farmers will start butcheries and eateries because they want to earn more by eliminating the middleman who comes between them and the consumer. Farmers with high number of pigs also want to ensure that they have a ready market for their product, and in a way have a say in the market. Even more motivating for the farmers is that with their own butcheries and eateries the returns are higher; almost 100% more than what they could have gotten selling to a broker. These figures become under the revenue section.

Brokers purchase live pigs, slaughter and then sell to butchers and eateries. Others will purchase pigs for onward sale to Farmers Choice. While some will purchase pigs and sell through their own butcheries, this way they are able to command higher margins. Anyone running a pork butchery will become a broker of sorts: farmers will approach them seeking to sell their pigs.

On the consumer side demand for pork is propelled by a changing lifestyle which is driving consumers to seek alternatives to routine habits or shift to products that seem of a higher value either in taste or health benefits. Pork is white meat and thus follows has less cholesterol.

This is a trend that is set to continue for a long time as incomes increase; consumers become more socially exposed through interactions and education, and also more health conscious.

Of significance is that there are now better and many ways to prepare pork. Its not just a chunk of fatty food in a plate full of oily soup. It could be fried, roasted or cooked in any of the many modern and experimental methods. This has made pork a delicious attractive meal which in some places is competing with beef. It is now cool to eat pork.

What’s more , with many of the modern farmers pigs are not just dirty animals, well they have their share of filth, but there are many which are nothing like the traditional must be dirty pigs.
This has made many more consumers embrace pork eating. Despite the positive signs consumption of pork is yet to reach that of beef. Pork is still an alternative meal, and yet to become mainstream as beef is. 

Download Pork Butchery & Eatery Business Plan / guide here